Saturday, June 19, 2010

On Friday, we learned about taking notes.
"I'm going to teach you about taking notes," Peter explained. "When taking notes, you have to know what to write and what not to write. When you take notes, you need to write down the important notes. Okay. We write notes to remember information and to store it for later use. If you need to ask questions, go ahead. Don't be afraid. If you don't understand it, you have to ask. Some people might have the same question as you do."
Peter asked," Why do you think you don't write everything when you take notes? That's write, you won't have time to write everything down and you won't have time. Try to rephrase it into something that you would understand. You should try to summarize what the topic is. You can use italics, underlines, and emphasizing words. You can abbreviate words, too. You can also use pictures too. There are two times to take notes. One is when you listen to the complete idea then you take the notes. Another one is to write as it keeps on going."
Peter finished," You should write short sentences of what is said. You have to write down every single detail for a definition. Finally, you can use your own way of taking notes and it takes practice to see which way of taking notes is better for you."

1 comment:

  1. Hey Eugene,
    Once again, remember that blogging is more about analyzing and evaluating than just recording. You've jotted down what we've said (good job!) but we're dying to know what you THINK of what we told you!
